Demand your MP takes action on brain tumours!

Demand your MP takes action on brain tumours! 

Every day in the UK, an average of 34 people are diagnosed with a brain tumour. For too long they’ve been let down by the system and it’s time to demand solutions. 

It’s clear that improvements are needed across the entire pathway – from speeding up diagnosis times to making sure the right support is available after treatment – and the only way to tackle these problems holistically is through a comprehensive National Brain Tumour Strategy. 

Will you contact your MP today to tell them about the challenges faced by the brain tumour community and – where appropriate* – invite them to meet with us to discuss a National Brain Tumour Strategy? 

Four simple steps to demanding action! 

  1. Fill in your details using the form on this page. This helps us match you with your local MP.   
  2. If you feel comfortable, include your personal experiences of being affected by a brain tumour diagnosis and explain why you’re demanding change. This will appear in your email to your MP. 
  3. The email will be automatically generated using our template and the details you’ve included – you just need to hit the “Send message now” button to send your email to your local MP. Don’t forget to let us know when you receive a reply! 
  4. Share this campaign with as many people so we're able to connect with as many MPs as possible and show them it's an issue that's important to lots of their constituents. 

Why are we demanding change? 

Brain tumours are the biggest cancer killer of children and adults under 40. But, for years, people diagnosed with a brain tumour have been falling through the cracks. 

Too often somebody experiencing common brain tumour symptoms needs to make multiple trips to their GP and risks delays to treatment because they’re repeatedly misdiagnosed. The harsh treatments they need to endure haven’t changed in decades - partly due to the well-known difficulties in research funding – and many don’t receive the support they’re entitled to from an allocated Clinical Nurse Specialist.   

To tackle the broad range of challenges faced by the brain tumour community, we need the government to take action by committing to developing a National Brain Tumour Strategy. 

What are we asking for? 

Earlier this year, more than 52,000 people signed our open letter calling for a National Brain Tumour Strategy.  

Although the General Election disrupted our plans a little, the new government has been in power for a few months now and serving MPs should be settled into their roles.  

People affected by a brain tumour diagnosis can’t keep waiting for change. They need improvements across the patient pathway and they need them as soon as possible.    

That’s why we’re asking people to contact their MP to spread the word about how urgent this issue is. We need to connect with as many MPs as possible so they understand how too often people affected by a brain tumour are being let down by the current system and what solutions could help them live longer, better lives. As health is a devolved matter, we’ll also be asking MPs in England to meet with us to discuss this further.  

*Why aren’t we asking to meet MPs in Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales? 

Health is a devolved matter, which means that healthcare policy in Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales isn’t set by politicians in Westminster.  

However, it’s still important to let MPs in these regions know about the challenges faced by the brain tumour community and how a National Brain Tumour Strategy could help solve those issues. It’s vital that MPs across the entire UK understand that their constituents want them to support a National Brain Tumour Strategy. 

We’re also working with politicians in Holyrood, the Senedd and Stormont to improve outcomes for people affected by a brain tumour in those areas.